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Advertisement ran from December 2022 to January 2023.

Client - Ka Digital

The target was to attract new clients from Dubai and increase brand recognition. The agency's main services are design, content creation (images, videos, texts, NFT), and creative ideas.

The launch was a test to understand the Dubai audience and their reaction since the agency does not have a sales department.

Target audience - entrepreneurs in Dubai who need visual branding or brand promotion, English and Russian languages, 25+ years.

GEO - Dubai

Target audience segments:

  1. Broad audience
  2. Interests in luxury segments
  3. Entrepreneurs and businessmen

A broad audience was used for outreach campaigns.

For lead generation, WhatsApp was chosen as the main channel since the company's landing page was unfinished. A lead form test was also planned before the project was stopped.

During the project, there were issues with blocked accounts and cards, but new ones were created to continue advertising.

During this time, the ad campaigns was regularly optimized. Main changes:

  1. Testing different placement formats, landing pages (WhatsApp performed the best among messaging apps)
  2. Searching and testing new audiences
  3. Analysis of ad conversion rates, creation and testing of new creatives
  4. Adjusting budgets
  5. Analysis of the target audience and other changes